Antarte distinguished by equal pay for women and men

Antarte was distinguished by CITE – Commission for Equality in Labor and Employment, for its good practices in promoting equal pay between Women and Men for equal work or work of equal value.



In addition to equal pay between women and men, Antarte is also proud to have employees from a dozen different countries such as Brazil, Angola, Nepal, São Tomé and Príncipe or Timor-Leste.


It should be noted that as this is an industrial-based company, more than 40% of employees are women.


Mário Rocha, founder and CEO of Antarte, considers this to be “a distinction that the brand is very proud of. It means that a company with 25 years of existence has reached a solid and mature strategic vision that employees are its most valuable asset.”




igualdade salarial igualdade salarial



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